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    關(guān)于我們About us


    合肥科邦軸承有限公司隸屬于康龍旗下;公司坐落于合肥市桃花工業(yè)園立恒工業(yè)廣場,我們是一家致力于深溝球軸承、圓錐軸承、外球面軸承、推力軸承、角接觸軸承、圓柱軸承生產(chǎn)的專業(yè)制造商。我公司嚴格按照ISO9001質(zhì)量管理體系標準進行管理,產(chǎn)品具有質(zhì)量好,范圍廣,品種多,庫存多,交貨期快 等特點;廣泛用于摩托車,汽車,電機,電扇,電動工具,雕刻機,農(nóng)業(yè)機械,礦山機械,包裝機械,電梯等領(lǐng)域, 也接受來圖來樣定制非標產(chǎn)品??梢愿鶕?jù)客戶需求,提供軸承產(chǎn)解決方案。

    公司本著“科學(xué)創(chuàng)新,誠信嚴謹,務(wù)實高效”的理念,以振興中國軸承工業(yè)為己任,著力于改變世界對中國軸承質(zhì)低價廉的印象, 努力創(chuàng)造好而不貴的放心產(chǎn)品,讓客戶自始至終享受五星級服務(wù)。

    Hefei HKB Bearing Co., Ltd. belongs to KONLON group, the company is located in Li Heng Industrial Square, Fanhua West Road, in Hefei City,Anhui province.we are committed to a deep groove ball bearing, tapered roller bearings, outer spherical bearing, thrust bearing, angular contact ball bearing, cylindrical bearing production of professional manufacturers. Our company strictly according to ISO9001 quality management system standard management, the product has good quality and a wide range, variety, inventory, delivery period and the characteristics of rapid; widely used in motorcycle, automobile, motor, fan, electric tools, engraving machine, agricultural machinery, mining machinery, packaging machinery, elevators and other fields and accept to map sample custom non-standard products. According to customer needs, to provide solutions for bearing design.

    The company spirit of "scientific innovation, rigorous, pragmatic and efficient" concept, in order to revitalize China's bearing industry responsibility, focus on changing the world's impression of China bearing cheap and inexpensive, and strive to create a good and assured products, so that customers enjoy the five star service from beginning to end.

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